BROADWAY At Sai World Empire Is Inspired By QUEEN ELIZABETH I

For the first time in India. 6 Empires. 6 Lifestyles. 1 Modern Kingdom.

Sai World Empire at Kharghar, an ultra-luxurious 18 acre kingdom inspired by the royal lives of the world’s greatest Kings & Queens, is a new project by Paradise group that has been designed using latest technologies, keeping in mind not only the amusement of each and every resident, but also with an intention of providing them royalty, way beyond their expectations.

It is the first ever project where we bring you the lives of 6 different famous personalities of the world which includes…
·       Queen Cleopatra
·       Queen Elizabeth
·       Napoleon Bonaparte
·       Julius Caesar
·       Alexander the Great
·       King Charles I

Queen Elizabeth 1 (7th September 1533 – 24th March 1603

Elizabeth’s reign is known as the Elizabethan era. The Elizabethan age is celebrated for its literary and dramatic culture. When Queen Elizabeth was not busy with matters of state, she too would enjoy some of these pleasures. Evenings at court were full of entertainments often dedicated to the Queen, and often there would be public performances conducted especially for her, but the Queen also enjoyed less public activities.

English Renaissance Theatre (The ancient Broadway)

English Renaissance theatre, also known as early modern English theatre, or (commonly) as Elizabethan theatre, refers to the theatre of England between 1562 and 1642. The phrase Elizabethan theatre is used at times improperly to mean English Renaissance theatre although in a strict sense "Elizabethan" only refers to the period of Queen Elizabeth's reign, which ended with her death in 1603. Strictly speaking, English Renaissance theatre may be said to encompass Elizabethan theatre from 1562 to 1603, Jacobean theatre from 1603 to 1625 and Caroline theatre from 1625 to 1642.

The Broadway, a signature amphitheatre at Sai World Empire, is inspired from the British empire during the Elizabethan Era, to give you an experience of the court life of Queen Elizabeth I.

Visit our project at Sai World Empire 18 Acre Kingdome |11 Acre open Green spaces |6 Magnificent Towers|,38 Storeys Each |2,3,4 BHK Homes | 1600 Royal Residences | at Kharghar, Navi Mumbai and experience the same.


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